Petaluma Says NO to Fireworks

Over the past few years, the increasing number of Red Flag weather days and devastating wildfires, and the prevalence of illegal fireworks, has presented a risk to our community too great to be ignored.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: Petaluma has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for all firework use – including fireworks previously considered legal. Property owners will be held responsible for firework activity that occurs on their property and will be cited accordingly, regardless of who possesses or lights the fireworks. Violations are subject to fines of $1,000 or more.

While we understand fireworks are a beloved tradition for many, our top priority is to keep our residents and properties safe. We look forward to working together with you, our resourceful, creative community, to establish new traditions that honor the spirit of the 4th of July.

Help us get the word out.  Email us if you are willing to post this poster in your place of business.

Also, for more detailed information, review the staff report.

Or, you can read the Ordinance to see the specific language regarding the changes.


Firework Surrender

While anyone found using fireworks may receive a fine, there will be no fines, citations, or questions for anyone willing to surrender their fireworks prior to the 4th. If you would like to turn in your fireworks, please contact the Petaluma Fire Department at (707) 778-4390.

Picture of a parent carrying child on shoulders holding an American flag
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