Project Name: Martin Tentative Parcel Map
Address: 220 Payran Street [Map It]
APN: 007-063-018
City Record Number: PLPM-2024-0003 220
Applicant Name: Steven J. Lafranchi & Associates, representing David B. Martin
Date of Decision: On or after Monday, November 25, 2024, the Community Development Director will consider all public comments received and either approve, conditionally approve, or deny the project.
Project Description: Proposed Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide an ± 10,900 Square Foot (SF) (0.25-acre) parcel located at 220 Payran St. into two parcels. The parcel is zoned R3 (Residential 3) and has been developed for residential use with a primary dwelling unit, a detached garage with an accessory dwelling unit above, and accessory structures. Following subdivision, Parcel 1 would consist of ± 6,700 SF developed with the existing primary dwelling unit and detached garage with accessory dwelling unit above. Parcel 2 would consist of ± 4,200 SF, and existing accessory structures would be demolished. No site improvements are proposed as part of this Tentative Parcel Map application. A reservation of access easement in favor of Parcel 2 shall be prepared and recorded with the map’s recordation.
CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT: The Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15315 for Class 15 – Minor Land Divisions.
For more information:
- Planner: Alaina Lipp, Associate Planner
Phone: (707) 681-1092 & Email: [email protected]
City Hall Planning Counter: 11 English Street, Petaluma
Monday through Thursday between 10 AM and 3 PM - Notice of Administrative Action Mailed Notice
- Project Information
- Project Parcel Map