Project Name: Plaza North Shopping Center Rehab & Site Improvements
Address: 261 N. McDowell Blvd Petaluma, California United States Map It
APN: 007-350-016
City Record Number: PLSR-2024-0017 (PLPJ-2024-0005)
Applicant Name: Gary Gallelli, Jr., Gallelli Real Estate
Date of Decision: On or after Monday, January 6, 2025, the Community Development Director will consider all comments and either approve, conditionally approve, or deny the project.
Project Description: The project proposes the rehabilitation of a vacant big box retail building within the Plaza North Shopping Center, located in the Commercial 2 (C2) zoning district. The project would divide the existing 92,643-square-foot structure
into three separate commercial suites through a combination interior partitions and exterior facade improvements. Facade improvements would feature new stucco within a natural color palette, El Dorado stone accents, and metal awnings. Upgrades involve modifications to the loading dock, including enclosure and access improvements, construction of new trash enclosures, installation of a rear roll-up door, removal of a former outdoor nursery structure, and screening for roof-mounted mechanical equipment. Additional site improvements propose a parking lot reconfiguration for vehicle and pedestrian circulation, which extend to the adjacent parking areas. The project incorporates new bicycle parking, removal of 37 unprotected trees and planting of 66 new trees, upgraded landscaping, and pedestrian pathways, and construction of electric vehicle (EV) parking stalls and stormwater runoff improvements.
CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT: The Project is exempt from further environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Se pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15, § 15301 (Class 1 – Existing Facilities).
For more information:
- Planner: Larissa Alchin, Associate Planner
Phone: & Email: [email protected]
City Hall Planning Counter: 11 English Street, Petaluma
Monday through Thursday between 10 AM and 3 PM - Notice of Administrative Action Mailed Notice
- Project Narrative
- Project Parcel Map