611 Western Avenue – Verizon Telecommunications Facility


Site Plan Blue Print

Site Plan

Perspective 1 of 611 Western Avenue

Perspective 1

Perspective 2 oof 611 Western Avenue

Perspective 2

Project Description

The project proposes installation of 16 antennas and associated equipment on the roof of the Petaluma Creamery. All antennas and equipment will be screened. The extension will be painted to match the existing building.

Please note that as of January 22, 2021, the City received correspondence from Verizon's legal counsel that at this time, they are withdrawing the Verizon telecommunication facilities application proposed for installation at the Petaluma Creamery. Verizon has chosen to withdraw its application in response to the compliance matters related to the Creamery that staff identified and detailed in correspondence to the Creamery and subsequently to Verizon, and which are outlined in the Planning Commission/ Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee agenda packet.

Staff's denial recommendation was based upon public health and safety risks of the proposed installation as a result of: recent fire damage to the Creamery and non-compliance of the Creamery with applicable Consolidated Unified Program Agency (CUPA) requirements, including requirements related to ammonia discharge alarms, emergency evacuation plans and seismic safety review, as well as on inadequate alternative site analysis provided by Verizon. A copy of the withdrawal letter is attached.

As a result of the Verizon withdrawal, the shot clock regarding the City's processing of the Verizon application has stopped, which also precludes the need for processing the application, as it is no longer pending.

The January 26 meeting will still occur for the Planning Commission to consider potential City legislation regarding gas station uses before making their recommendation to the City Council for possible City Council action. There is no longer the need for the joint attendance of the HCPC at the meeting given the withdrawal of the Verizon application and the meeting agenda is being revised accordingly.  At the January 26 Planning Commission meeting Staff will announce the application withdrawal and members of the public may comment on the withdrawal but the hearings will not be opened. 

A link to the January 26 meeting agenda is available under the 'Public Meetings and Hearing' section on this page.

This project is scheduled to appear before the Planning Commission and Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee at a joint hearing on January 26, 2021. The agenda and staff report are available at the link posted to the right under 'Public Meetings and Hearings'.


Project Details

APN(s): 008-032-009
Address: 611 Western Ave
Zoning: Industrial
File Number: PLMA-20-0003/PLUP-19-000
Applicant: Maria Kim
Complete Wireless Consulting
[email protected]

Project Documents

Staff Contact

Brittany Bendix
Deputy Planning Manager
[email protected]

Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

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