AMI Water Metering Technology

Water Meter Technology Upgrade

Petaluma is upgrading our water meter technology to help us, and you, save water. Water meters upgrades are currently underway throughout town and will continue through the coming months. Our contractor, Professional Meters, Inc. (PMI), is installing the upgrades. 

The new technology, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI):

  • Shows your water use in real time through an online portal (Eye on Water)
  • Alerts you to water leaks
  • Helps you to identify water use trends

How it works

The new technology, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), transmits water use data remotely to the City and to the online Eye on Water portal. The data will help us, and you, track water use trends and find new ways to conserve.

CLICK HERE to learn about the Eye on Water online portal.

Want to Learn More?

Please scroll down to review answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Watch Our Virtual Informational Meeting 

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, we held a virtual meeting  to share information and answer questions about the transition to AMI water meter technology for Petaluma water customers. 

Missed the meeting? Not to worry!

  • CLICK HERE to watch a recording of the meeting.
  • View the presentation slides HERE

Project Manager

Mateus Bernardo de Oliveira

[email protected]

Project Location

The AMI water meter technology upgrade will be installed for all water customers. If you do not wish to receive the technology upgrade, an opt out option is available. Please review the FAQ section below for more information on opting out.

Traffic Impacts

No traffic impacts are anticipated.

Project Status

The AMI water meter technology upgrade is currently underway citywide.


The project is being funded by a state grant from the Department of Water Resources (DWR).

Frequently Asked Questions

Man working on an in-ground water meter

Questions or Concerns?

Please sign up below if you would like to learn more about the program, ask questions, or receive information on ways to opt out.

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