Animal Services Advisory Committee


Chair: Caitlin Quinn
City Council Liaison: D'Lynda Fischer, Councilmember
City Management Liaison: City Manager's Office
Meets: Second Wednesday of January, April, July, and October, at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 11 English Street, Petaluma.

The mission of the Animal Services Advisory Committee is to protect, promote respect for, and enhance the well-being of all animals in the Petaluma Community.

The committee has five members. Four members are appointed by the City Council and serve three-year terms. The other is a member of the City Council, appointed by Council, and serves a one-year term.

Current Agenda (when applicable)

Animal Services Advisory Committee Handbook


Scott Alonso Animal Services Advisory Committee Member Email
Amber Balshaw Animal Services Advisory Committee Member Email
Jessica Kawaoka Animal Services Advisory Committee Member Email
Caitlin Quinn Animal Services Advisory Committee Member Email
Animal Commission
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