Water and Sewer Billing
Rate Increase Effective September 2023
Water and wastewater service affects everyone’s daily life here in Petaluma. The City of Petaluma has adopted an increase in rates to help provide the best service possible to our community. The funds will help support infrastructure, enhance drought resiliency efforts, and improve our recycled water program.
CLICK HERE to view the Water & Wastewater Utility Rate Study.
A virtual community meeting was held July 31, 2023 to review the proposed rate increase and what funds would be used for, as well as address questions and concerns from the community. Links to recordings of the meeting are available below.
CLICK HERE to view a recording of the meeting in ENGLISH.
CLICK HERE to view a recording of the meeting in SPANISH.
A public hearing on the rates was held at City Council on August 7, 2023.
Petaluma’s water and wastewater utilities are financially self-supporting enterprises that rely primarily on revenues from service charges to fund the costs of providing service. As such, water and wastewater rates must be set at levels adequate to fund the costs of operations, maintenance, debt service, wholesale water supply from Sonoma Water, and capital improvements needed to support safe and reliable service. The City also proposed Water Shortage Contingency Plan Rate Adjustments that could be phased in to support financial stability of the City’s utilities during a drought or water shortage emergency.
Petaluma’s combined water and wastewater charges for a typical single-family home are in the middle range compared to other regional agencies and are projected to remain in the middle range with the rate increases.
The full text of the notice can be read in English HERE or in Spanish HERE.
CLICK HERE to view the recording of the meeting.
The City is committed to operating as cost-effectively as possible while providing safe and reliable utility service. For questions or more information about the rates, please contact the Department of Public Works & Utilities at 707-778-4546 or by email at [email protected].
Rates, Billing Cycle, and More
The City of Petaluma bills for water and wastewater (sewer) services on a monthly basis. Both of these services are included in your monthly utility bill.
Click here for information about how we calculate rates and other information.
Senate Bill 998 (Water Shutoff Protection Act)
To comply with Senate Bill 998, known as the "Water Shutoff Protection Act," the City of Petaluma has adopted a Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment. The Policy describes options and procedures for residential water discontinuation of service for nonpayment, including alternative payment arrangements, bill dispute resolution, and contact information for Commercial Services Department.
To review the policy in its entirety, please click one of the links below.
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-English
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-Chinese
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-Korean
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-Spanish
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-Tagalog
- Policy for Collection and Discontinuation of Residential Water Service for Nonpayment-Vietnamese
Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-English
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-Chinese
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-Korean
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-Spanish
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-Tagalog
- Water Shutoff for Nonpayment Notice-Vietnamese
Impending Discontinuation Notice
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-English
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-Chinese
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-Korean
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-Spanish
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-Tagalog
- Impending Discontinuation Notice-Vietnamese
Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Services
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-English
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-Chinese
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-Korean
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-Spanish
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-Tagalog
- Final Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service-Vietnamese
Shutoffs 2023: 102
Shutoffs 2024: 89

Billing Inquiries and Account Information
Sign Up or Cancel Service: 707-778-4350, option 3
Automated Account Information: call 1-877-484-4346 (24 hours a day)
Customer Service Representative: call 707-778-4350, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Pay Bill Online: Click here.
Calculate Your Daily Water Use
Indoor household water needs can typically be met using 25-50 gallons per person per day. During the summer months, however, water use can increase due to outdoor irrigation. The City of Petaluma has created a Water Use Calculator to better understand your water bill and current water use.
Click HERE to calculate your average daily water use.