270 & 280 Casa Grande – Creekwood Housing Development


Aerial view of site
Map of 270 and 280 Casa Grande

Project Description

The City of Petaluma has received an application for the Creekwood Housing Development, a project that would involve the construction of 42 dwelling units within approximately 71,000 square feet of residential floor area, on a 5.2-acre site.

The dwelling at 280 Casa Grande would be demolished and the site would be re-subdivided from 2 parcels to 4 parcels.  The site would be regraded to create street improvements and to create building pads for new dwellings and grading would involve approx. 3,378 cubic yards of cut and 6,195 cubic yards of fill.  Two bio-retention basins would be created and connected to two new flood water detention basins (each to connect to Adobe Creek).  The dwelling at 270 Casa Grande would remain, and 42 single-family dwellings would be created on 3 newly created parcels.

Vehicular, emergency, and pedestrian access would be provided from Casa Grande Avenue, via a new public street.

32 dwellings would be detached, and 10 would be attached within 5 buildings.  All units would have 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, within two-story buildings, that would range in height (depending on floor plan) from 23-feet to 25-feet, five-inches.  All units would be sold as condominiums.  Table 1 details proposed floor area (SF) per dwelling, the # per unit type, and configuration of parking spaces for each unit type.

Table 1: Dwelling Characteristics
Unit Type SF # of Buildings # of Dwellings % of total Garage Parking Driveway Parking
Plan 1 - 'Duet' 1,395 5 10 24% 1 2 (1 in tandem)
Plan 2 - Detached SFR 1,660 20 20 48% 1 2 (1 in tandem)
Plan 3 - Detached SFR 2,121 12 12 29% 2 2 (both tandem)
Totals   37 42   54 84


According to the applicant, 3 dwellings would be reserved for Low-Income households and 3 dwellings would be reserved for Moderate-Income households.

Senate Bill SB-330

This is the first development proposal presented to Petaluma that is subject to SB-330, “The Housing Crisis Act of 2019”.  SB-330 aims to increase certainty in the development process for applicants and housing advocates, speed the review of new Housing Development Projects, preserve existing affordable housing, and prevent certain zoning actions that reduce the availability of housing.  Planning Staff recently made a presentation to the Planning Commission on SB-330, and the Planning Commission staff report provides useful background related to SB-330, and its effect on City processes:


Project Details

APN(s): 017-040-051 & 017-040-016
Address: 270 & 280 Casa Grande Avenue
Zoning: R4
File Number: PLMA-21-0001
Applicant Contact: Doyle Heaton
Falcon Point Associates, LLC
3496 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 104
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
[email protected]

Project Documents

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