The Secret Life of Victorian Homes…
Join the Petalumans of Yesteryear for three intriguing evening programs (single tickets available or buy all three), including light beverages, and enjoy the stories of how it all came about.
Back by popular demand! A three evening event series, presented by the Petalumans of Yesteryear explores how everyday life so dramatically changed in the Victorian era; when our beloved city was born and prospered, and how homes adapted too the new life style…you will be surprised!
Episode three on Sunday, May 12, traverse the fascinating world of the after-life, helping Victorians navigate life’s most difficult and often, heartbreaking challenges. Discover how the modern idea of self-image developed, and what the Victorians did about it, and find out why their homes always looked so cluttered!
Please visit, HERE for more information.
NOTE! Each unique episode explores different aspects of the fascinating story of Victorian living. Tickets are sold separately, or, for the ultimate experience, purchase all three!