Free Water Conservation Devices
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The City of Petaluma makes it easy for you to save water. The below items are available FREE to all Petaluma water customers. Simply visit one of our City facilities and start saving water today!
Water Field Office: 202 North McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma, CA 94954. Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 5:00pm. Closed Fridays.
Petaluma City Hall - Finance Department: 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952. Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm. Closed Fridays.
Call (707) 778-4507 or email [email protected] with any questions on where and what supplies are available. Items available during business hours.

Shower Heads
These 1.5 GPM high-efficiency shower heads can save water and have a fully adjustable spray. Showering accounts for nearly 17% of residential indoor water use, and switching out an old shower head could save almost 3,000 gallons a year.

Faucet Aerators
The 1.5 GPM kitchen sink dual spray aerators have a swivel action jet with a pause-action valve that reduces flow to a trickle. The bathroom sink aerators provide high water pressure, while using less water.

Hose Nozzles
Did you know that it is a violation of the City's water conservation ordinance to have a hose running without a hose-end shut-off nozzle? These 2.5 GPM hose-end nozzles help conserve water, reduce water waste, and can lower your water bill.

Toilet Leak Detection Tabs
These dye tablets can rapidly identify a leaky toilet which can save 1,000's of gallons of water per year. Simply drop the tablets into the toilet's back tank, if blue water appears in the toilet bowl, there is leak and is usually caused by a damaged flapper that needs to be replaced.

Shower and Faucet Flow Bags
These bags help measure the flow of shower heads and faucets. They are reusable and a fast easy way to calculate fixture flow in gallons per minute (GPM).

Pre-Rinse Spray Valves
These 1.1 GPM spray valves are designed to remove food waste from dishes prior to dishwashing. These free valves are available to all commercial kitchens and any business that provides food. This includes, restaurants, cafeterias, fast food, bars, catering facilities, hospitals, day cares, nursing homes, pet shelters, or veterinary facilities.