Laundry-to-Landscape Greywater System Rebate

The City of Petaluma is now offering a rebate program for qualified customers to install a Laundry-to-Landscape (L2L) greywater system. A L2L system diverts rinse water from your clothes washer directly to your landscape. Using water from your clothes washer to help maintain your landscape can reduce the amount of potable water used for irrigation and reduce water entering our sewer system. It's a cost-effective, sustainable option to irrigate your landscape and requires no permitting.  

Rebate Amount:

Clothes washer greywater installations will be rebated up to $125. Only one rebate per household. Rebate cannot exceed the cost of materials (labor not included).

Is this right for me?

L2L greywater systems are appropriate for specific types of properties (see specifics below) and are ideal to establish or replace existing irrigation systems. Greywater systems are appropriate for trees, shrubs, vines, perennials, and larger annuals. Greywater systems are not suitable for lawns,  potted plants, raised beds, pH-sensitive plants, established never irrigated plants, very low water use plants, and edible gardens.

Please review all of the below requirements to see if you are likely to qualify for this rebate.

  1. Program Requirements – L2L Rebate
  2. Landscape Requirements – L2L Rebate
  3. Greywater System Requirements – L2L Rebate
  4. Terms & Conditions – L2L Rebate

To Apply:

Step 1: Submit a pre-inspection questionnaire and required photos. City of Petaluma Staff will contact you within two weeks of your submission regarding qualification status.


  • APPLY BY MAIL: Download a fillable PDF application and mail your submission to:

City of Petaluma
Water Conservation
202 North McDowell Boulevard
Petaluma, CA 94954

Step 2: If qualified, proceed with the greywater system installation. Make sure to keep all receipts. Do not begin installing your new greywater system until you receive a pre-approval from City Staff. You must complete your project and contact Water Conservation within 120 days from the date of your pre-approval. Rebates are issued only for projects approved in advance.

Step 3: When the installation is complete, notify the Water Conservation Department at (707) 778-4507 within 120 days of your pre-approval date. City Staff will verify that the project meets the program requirements as well as the terms and conditions. If the project passes the post-inspection, it will be approved for the rebate. Please note that an in-person post-installation inspection may be required. Once approved, submit copies of the itemized receipts, along with photos of the finished project; please include the landscape area irrigated by the L2L system including the installed mulch basins, and the clothes washer and the 3-way diverter valve. Send the receipt(s) and photos to the above email or mailing address.

Step 4: Your rebate payment will be mailed to you within 6-8 weeks. 

Step 5: Submit your yearly greywater system self-monitoring report. City Staff will provide reports and deadlines.



To download the Laundry-to-Landscape (L2L) Greywater Rebate Application Form, CLICK HERE.

Graphic of showing water from washer machine going back to the ground

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