Historic Landmarks

Landmarks and Places

Historic landmarks are historic resources that the Petaluma City Council has determined, after receipt of a recommendation by the Historic and Cultural Resource Committee and Planning Commission, to be significant based on local, state, and federal criteria. A historic resource can be a building, a structure, a district, a site, an object, or a record. In Petaluma, historic landmarks are mainly buildings. Historic landmark properties are provided a “Historic” overlay on the City’s Zoning Map. Click the links below to learn more about each historic district.

Proposed Historic Districts/Landmarks or Heritage Trees

The designation of historic landmarks (including new districts) is governed by Implementing Zoning Ordinance Chapter 15.040. A summary of the designation process is provided below. If you are contemplating a nomination application, please contact Planning Division staff for guidance and support.

A qualified professional conducts an historic resource survey and evaluation of the property(ies) and prepares a report. The report includes an analysis of whether the property(ies) is a significant historic resource and meets the criteria for designation.


Historic Resource Surveys & Evaluations (see below)

Submittal of Application Materials

  • A planning application to add a “Historic” (H) Overlay Zone designation to the property and the historic resource survey and evaluation are submitted to the Planning Division.

The following forms are required:

Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee Public Hearing

At a public hearing, the Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee (HCPC) determines whether the property meets the eligibility criteria and qualifies for designation as a local historic landmark. To make that decision, the HCPC uses both the Historic Resource Survey and Evaluation Report and its expertise. The HCPC makes a recommendation to the Planning Commission to either approve or deny designation of the property or area.

Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearings

At a public hearing, the Planning Commission considers the HCPC’s recommendation and, after taking public comment, makes a recommendation to the City Council. The application proceeds to the City Council to consider recommendations of the HCPC and Planning Commission as well as comments from the public and property owner(s). The City Council makes the final decision.

Historic Overlay Zoning

Historic (D) Overlay Zone is added to the property if the City Council has given approval.

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