Integrated Water Master Plan (IWMP)
Project Description
Exploring Opportunities to Increase Our Local Water Supply Resiliency
To enhance our community’s water supply resiliency, Petaluma is embarking on a study called the Integrated Water Master Plan (IWMP). This plan will identify opportunities to increase water supplies locally, making us more resilient to water supply shortages due to climate change and other natural disasters such as earthquakes. The IWMP will also help the City identify, screen, and analyze water supply alternatives to help address any future water supply gaps. Water supply project options explored through this process will include:
- Recycled Water
- Urban Recycled Water Program Expansion (within the City’s potable water service area)
- Agricultural and Vineyard Recycled Water Program Expansion (outside the City’s potable water service area)
- Recycled Water Storage Expansion
- Other options
- Groundwater
- Groundwater banking
- Regional groundwater banking
- Groundwater recharge with stormwater
- Brackish Desalination
- Regional brackish water desalination
- Stormwater
- Stormwater capture, storage, and treatment
Timeline/Project Status
The project is in its initial conceptual and data collection phase. City Staff will begin a preliminary data gathering process with current recycled water customers to gain insight into their usage and potential for expansion. Following that process, the City will host a series of public meetings where the project will be introduced, and public feedback will be received. Currently, the project is slated to be completed in 2025.
Project Cost: $777,000
Funded by water and wastewater enterprise funds. $226,000 in funding received through the State Water Resources Control Board Water Recycling Funding Program to help offset the cost of planning for the recycled water facilities portion of the IWMP.
Public Participation
As we begin the feedback and data collection solicitation process with the public, we invite anyone who is interested to join our mailing list by emailing [email protected] or fill out the form to the right.
Contact Us
For more information on the project, please contact City of Petaluma Public Works at (707) 778-4303 or email [email protected]

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