Scott Ranch Project

Posted on January 26, 2022


Windsor Dr & D Street Extension, Petaluma, CA, USA



Address: Windsor Drive and D Street
Zoning: R1
File Number: 03-TSM-0396-CR
Applicant: Davidon Homes, Steve Abbs
1600 S. Main St. Ste 150
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
925 945 8000 x 103
[email protected] 

Kelly Creek Protection Project, Greg Colvin
PO Box 2596
Petaluma, CA  94953
[email protected]

Project Planner: Olivia Ervin
Principal Environmental Planner
[email protected]

The Scott Ranch project, as currently proposed, includes a 28-lot single-family residential subdivision and approximately 47 acres of open space/parkland, including multi-use trails north and south of Kelly creek connecting the existing barn complex on the east of the site to the existing Helen Putnam Regional Park to the west. Also, part of the project, is an approximately 800-foot offsite sidewalk gap closure on the east side of D Street between Windsor Drive and Sunnyslope Avenue. Additionally, the RDEIR evaluates a related project consisting of a 0.5-mile trail segment providing connectivity from the western limit of the Scott Ranch property to the existing trail system with Helen Putman Regional Park.

The residential project component would be developed with 28 single-family residences, streets, and common open space. The single-family residences would be developed along two new proposed streets- one new street would branch north of Windsor Drive and a second new street would branch south of Windsor Drive. The homes would be arranged in clusters off each of the two proposed streets. Other infrastructure improvements (i.e., roundabout at Windsor Dr. and D Street, sidewalks, Class I pathways, sewer, water, and storm drainage facilities, including detention basins) needed to serve the proposed project would also be constructed.

The Putnam Park Extension Project component would extend the existing Helen Putnam Regional Park eastward to D Street, encompassing approximately 47-acres of the Scott Ranch project site. The existing barn center would be renovated and pathways between the structures, bike parking, information kiosks, vegetable gardens, demonstration and working corrals, and an amphitheater for outdoor learning activities would be developed. Improvements include a multi-use trail loop of approximately 0.7 mile that would run along the north side and south side of Kelly Creek and connect to the adjacent Helen Putnam Regional Park.

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