Property / Land Use Permits
Changes of Building Occupancy or Land Use
Changing how a space or land is used may require permits. This is because each parcel of land in the City has a specific zoning designation that governs what uses can operate at that location. Additionally, each building has a designated occupancy type that corresponds to structural and fire requirements. While you may think that a change to how you use your property is minor, you should check with your architect or our staff at the Building & Planning Counter to find out if the change requires a building permit. Below is a list of frequently sought permits with the City.
Home Occupation Permit
This permit is required when you work and / or run a businesses from your home. You need to submit a permit application to the Planning Department and also get a business license. Click here for more info.
Short Term Vacation Rental
Anytime you rent out a residential space for less than 30 days it is considered a short term rental. If you chose to rent a space in this way, often by listing a space or a room on AirBnB or a similar platform, you will need a business license and a Short Term Vacation Rental Permit. You will need to collect and submit Transient Occupation Taxes (TOT) to the City Finance Department. Get the permit application and checklist here.
Conditional Use Permits
Many uses are allowed by our codes only if they include conditions of approval. For example, establishments selling alcohol often require such a permit and are conditioned based on hours of operation, ABC license type, and ancillary entertainment activities. Talk to someone at the Planning Counter to learn more about uses that require Conditional Use Permits. Many times we can find examples of other businesses to give you an idea of what to expect. The permit application is available here.
Temporary Use Permit (aka Zoning Permit)
Sometimes you may want to use your property differently than the way it was intended. For instance, you may want to have an event at retail store. Or, you might sell Christmas Trees in an empty parking lot. These kinds of activities require Temporary Use Permits from the Planning Division. Get this permit application here.
Special Events
You need a special event permit when using City-owned land or property for a special event. Examples include a foot race at a park, or a festival or parade on City Streets. This permit is issued by the Police Department. Learn more and get the permit application here.

Use Permits make sure that people are safe and your impact on your neighbors is minimal