Item #
42 |
Find ways for City operations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, decrease waste, and minimize use of fossil fuels and investigate and pursue options for carbon sequestration. |
49 |
Install solar panels on city-owned properties where appropriate and work with Sonoma Clean Power on a solar program for potential revenue generation. |
50 |
Engage the Regional Climate Protection Agency, City Council, staff, and community members in the development of a city-wide Climate Action Plan. |
52 |
Develop a framework to move the city and transit vehicle fleet from fossil-fuel based to hybrid, renewable compressed natural gas, and/or electric vehicles and continue pursuing grant funding opportunities for electric vehicles. |
71 |
Revisit flood plain management practices to address climate change and sea level rise. |
192 |
Ensure equitable new development, including affordable housing and shelters, by revising the General Plan, building and development codes, and other relevant City policies to apply climate-action equity priorities fairly across the board. |
197 |
Inform and invite local California Native peoples into our ongoing dialogue as part of cultivating respectful and collaborative relationships with indigenous communities with the intention to understand, highlight, and integrate their community needs, climate action priorities, and ecological insight and values into our climate actions. |
200 |
Use the Climate Emergency Framework as a foundation for the new General Plan update, including all guiding principles. |
201 |
Integrate climate action, environmental justice and public health improvements throughout the General Plan document and include elements and/or extensive discussion (including community and expert discussion) and metrics for Environmental Justice, Climate and Healthy Communities so that all planning and land use related CEF goals and objectives are fully developed and embodied in the General Plan. As part of the General Plan process develop and adopt a Climate Action Plan that contains the action the City shall take and ask the community to undertake over the life of the General Plan towards meeting the CEF Goals. Ensure equitable new development by revising building and development codes, and other relevant City policies to apply climate-action equity priorities fairly across the board concurrently or in advance of the General Plan update process. |
204 |
Evaluate the process to divest from all fossil-fuel investments including pension funds and the costs/benefits of developing a new carbon neutral and green economy investment portfolio. |
207 |
Adopt a natural gas ban for new construction and adopt a policy to phase in building energy retrofits for existing buildings to meet climate targets. Provide resources and programs to ensure retrofits are available and affordable to low-income residents and do not cause rent increases for tenants over and above monthly savings on utility bills from the upgrades and include tenant protections to avoid displacement and eviction. |