Private security is required for all events. Security services may be obtained from any security agency licensed, bonded, and insured by the State of California. The City does not endorse any particular vendor, however a list of companies is
available in the facility rental booklet. Private Security may not apply to some programming. The Parks and Recreation supervisor has the discretion to determine security requirements based on a variety of factors, such as event size, history of event, event type, and/or hours.
Security’s responsibilities include providing a safe environment for all individuals, to assist with the enforcement of the City of Petaluma’s facility use policies and procedures and ensure the responsible use of alcohol.
- Private Security Companies are not permitted to carry firearms on City property while hired to provide security services for private or public events.
- All security guards are to be licensed, bonded, and insured by the State of California. Upon arrival, each guard must provide a valid driver’s license and guard card to the Building Attendants on duty.
- All guards must be identifiable by a guard uniform.
- A supervising guard must be present at each contracted event.
- Security must be on site thirty (30) minutes prior to the arrival of guests and remain on site thirty (30) minutes following guest departure.
- Security guards are required to monitor the number of attendees in accordance with the executed contract, and not to exceed room capacity. If necessary, this may include limiting and controlling the number of attendees entering an event.
- If an incident or accident occurs, the security company will furnish the City of Petaluma with witness reports and statements within two business days upon request from City.
- Alcohol will not be permitted unless an executed security contract has been approved.
- The number of security guards required for an event is determined by the size and nature of the event. Please see below.
Petaluma Fairgrounds, with alcohol
# of Guests | 1-99 | 100-199 | 200-299 | 300-399 | 400+ |
# of Guards | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | *Varies |
Petaluma Fairgrounds, without alcohol
# of Guests | 1-99 | 100-199 | 200-249 | 250-300 | 300+ |
# of Guards | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | *Varies |
All costs associated with security are the responsibility of the renter. All contracts are required, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the event. Signed security contracts for paid services may be submitted by scanning and emailing the documents to: [email protected].