4. Review and update the City’s Development Impact Fees where appropriate.
9. Study the feasibility of developing a City-wide Fellowship Program with Sonoma State and/or other institutions of higher education.
13. Establish a new employee orientation program.
14. Identify funding options to complete Petaluma’s planned cross-town connectors.
18. Establish and improve paths, as useful transportation options, and make walking and biking easy, fun and safe.
19. Implement community bike share system and explore other multi-modal transportation offerings.
26. Update the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian plan and realize opportunities for crosstown connections for all modes of transportation.
36. Implement an online permitting system.
37. Implement agenda management software system to improve the efficiency of electronic meeting packet preparation and to increase public engagment.
158. Engage the community to improve race relations and make recommendations on City and policing policies.
161. Increase community engagement through programs that attract new followers. Complete Latinx outreach strategy and begin implementing recommendations from the strategy.
163. Review and finalize five (5) existing city-wide administrative rules.
165. Update the City’s Urban Water Management Plan and Water Shortage Contingency Plan to reflect City’s most current needs, the climate crisis, and expected increase intensity of wet and dry weather.
167. Complete a Public Safety Facilities Assessment.
169. Develop guidelines and policies to reopen city facilities in a way that supports safety and flexibility for city staff.
170. Complete a thorough update of the City’s Telecommunications regulations including cell tower rules.
171. Complete a thorough review and update of Wastewater and Water regulations, benchmarking with other municipalities and agencies, reviewing latest state requirements and codes to verify City’s regulations are not in conflict and provide an equitable application of requirements on businesses and residents while providing safeguards for the utility systems.
174. Complete 2022 Utility Rate Study to ensure rates support sustainable and resilient water distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, and recycled water systems.
177. Procure board management software to streamline the application and appointment process, increase community engagement, and to track ethics and anti-harassment training, for City committees, commissions, and boards.
178. Reconstitute a cohesive Community Development Department.
231. Develop activities and events to promote teamwork, collaborative relationships, celebrating staff successes and City of Petaluma years of service to rebuild in-person workplace culture.
233. Update City’s purchasing ordinance and policies.