How does the City fund street repair?

Street maintenance and improvement monies come into the City from a number of sources, each restricted for specific uses.

  • Federal funds – allowed only for specific types of work on specific streets;
  • Redevelopment funds – for reconstruction only on streets within the redevelopment are (PCDC) when determined by City Council to assist in removing blight;
  • Gas tax – to be used for road repair and maintenance, rehabilitation or reconstruction; the amount the City receives is based on taxes received;
  • Other grants.

Many of the roadway reconstructions you see around town are either related to utility work or funded through federal funds.  The federal funds come with restrictions on how and where the work can be done.

The City recently received funds from Senate Bill 1 which is called Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) for Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019. The City uses the Street Saver pavement management system to evaluate road conditions and prioritize maintenance and rehabilitation projects.  We are currently looking into incorporating a larger project into our five year plan.

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