If your property is noticed by the City of Petaluma, property owners have two options for repairing the sidewalk:
1. Owners may make repairs themselves by hiring a licensed contractor and obtaining the proper permits from the City prior to beginning work; or
2. Owners may have the City repair the sidewalk by requesting the repair be completed and agreeing to reimburse the City fully for the cost of the repair plus an administrative fee to cover staff time.
Note: An Encroachment Permit is required for any work in the public right-of-way; and to plant, trim, remove, or replace trees in the public right-of-way. An Encroachment Permit can be obtained from the City of Petaluma Public Works Department at (707) 778-4303 Option 6. For more information click here. All repairs must be completed by one of the options above and each property owner will be given approximately 30 days to comply with the specifications of the Sidewalk Program.