A “pilot project” is a time-limited or short-term street redesign effort to test ways to improve conditions on a street using roadway markings, signage, and other low-cost elements. A pilot project gives the community a chance to experience and provide feedback on proposed changes. City engineers and police will use this opportunity to gather additional safety data and refine the design as needed prior to making longer-term changes using concrete and other fixed objects.

D Street was identified as a bike route in our current Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and has been selected as an ideal candidate for a pilot project due to an upcoming utility and paving project scheduled for 2026. This presents a unique opportunity to make long-term changes to the street design of an important arterial roadway used by many in our community.

The pilot project design was developed following a robust community engagement effort over the past two years that included multiple rounds of community workshops and surveys, as well as Council feedback and approval in spring of 2024. Our team of licensed traffic engineers, designed a pilot project that addressed the top priorities we heard from the community:
  1. Slow traffic
  2. Improve pedestrian crossings
  3. Improve bicycling conditions

The pilot project adheres to state and federal traffic engineering design requirements and best practices for “complete streets,” which seek to safely accommodate several uses (in this case, people walking, bicycling, and driving). Unfortunately, due to the somewhat narrow width of D Street, it was not feasible to retain on-street parking on both sides of the street while also providing bike lanes and vehicle lanes in both directions.

We will provide opportunities for the community to give feedback throughout the duration of the pilot project. Findings from the pilot project (including community feedback and data collected before and during) will be presented to City Council for their consideration prior to implementation of the utility and road reconstruction project.
This project was identified in our in our current ped/bike plan from 2012(?) and the timing of this pilot is due to the upcoming work.
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