What is guiding our development of the proposed Objective Design Standards?

California is experiencing a housing crisis. It’s common knowledge that housing supplies in California’s communities are limited, and the cost of housing is unachievable for many who live in California. To address the need for housing, the State is pursuing various strategies to produce affordable, quality housing in all communities. The proposed Objective Design Standards are intended to ensure that qualifying affordable housing can be built in Petaluma that will further these community goals: 

  1. Strengthen Community Character and the Public Realm. Design places that reflect the Petaluma community and contribute to the physical, economic, social, and cultural character.   
  2. Design for People. Emphasize a pedestrian-oriented environment where buildings and public realm design are cohesive and complementary of a diverse range of uses.  
  3. Design Equitable Places. Make spaces that recognize and support residents’ and workers’ activities across age, ability, culture, race, gender, and income.  
  4. Support Connectivity. Design safe, functional, and comfortable multimodal connections between activities that are accessible and easy to navigate by walking, bicycling, and public transit.  
  5. Design for Sustainability. Support sustainable building practices and site design approaches to enhance Petaluma’s resilience and resource stewardship – now and in the future. 
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