What’s with the double-yellow and double sets of double-yellow lines?

Photo of Double Yellow Lines on D Street in Petaluma

Double-Yellow Lines

Double-yellow lines are intended to prohibit unsafe passing by motorists. Along with the newly installed medians (more on that below), these will encourage safer, slower driving throughout the corridor. Per the California Vehicle Code, you are still permitted to turn left across double-yellow lines to access and exit your driveway. Interestingly, D Street had existing double-yellow lines prior to this restriping, though they were faded and needed to be re-painted. Now that they are newly-installed, they are more pronounced and much brighter.


Double Sets of Double-Yellow Lines

Additionally, there are several areas (approaching Laurel Avenue, 10th Street, 7th Street, and 5th Street) with double sets of double-yellow lines that we’re using to create new medians. Many have rightly pointed out that these double sets of double-yellow lines prohibit left turns.

We are modifying the striping in these areas to make it clear that people who live adjacent to medians still have full access to their driveways. We will also remove the double-yellow lines in the 7th Street intersection to allow left turns on and off of 7th Street.

In the meantime, we have communicated with Petaluma Police Department to ensure that turns in and out of driveways and 7th Street will be permitted.

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