The revised Overlay was designed to avoid confronting residential concentrations in or near the Downtown, however residential buildings would confront portions of Subarea C along Liberty and Keokuk Streets. The Overlay considered the potential for bulk/mass conflicts that could be created by new buildings that would confront residential buildings, to propose new building setback and stepback controls that would apply to any portion of a new building over 30 feet above grade. The building setback and stepback controls are illustrated in Exhibit 4.3 – New Development Confronting Residential Buildings.
A new building within the overlay would be subject to the same discretionary review process(es) otherwise required by the IZO (Implementing Zoning Ordinance) (either Historic -SPAR (Site Plan and Architectural Review) if in Historic District, or Major SPAR if not), and be subject to CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), as new buildings are under the existing regulations.