Archives: FAQs

What are the noticing requirements for this type of project?

The noticing requirements are based on what the study identifies in terms of possible environmental impacts – the more significant the impacts, the more noticing required. In the case of this project, several notices were required and completed. Notifications were sent to: Tribal representatives of California Native American tribes  The Public Responsible trustee agencies  regulatory … Continued

When do we typically host community meetings?

When the City Council considers an action related to how a project will affect the environment, the noticing and public meeting requirements are tailored to the size and impact of the project. The City will be hosting a community meeting at the project site on August 11, 2022 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The … Continued

What other possible well locations were considered?

A location on Paula Lane and on Magnolia Open Space were considered. These locations lack the needed infrastructure to connect to our current water system.  These sites are connected to the city’s Zone 2 of the City’s water distribution system, which is much smaller and has lower demand than Zone 1. However, these locations may … Continued

What is the current status of the project and how will the City address public feedback from the last City Council meeting?

Currently, we are in the planning stage of the project, which includes confirming that the project meets the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). An Initial Study has been completed and it has been determined that, through mitigation measures, this project would not negatively impact the environment.    As we continue to work through … Continued

Will chemicals be stored anywhere on the site?

Yes, a diluted chlorine solution (similar to household bleach) used to treat the water will be stored in the well building. A dedicated drainage system on-site is designed to contain any spillage or waste from the site.

Why is it proposed and how will it benefit the Community?

The City of Petaluma is working to enhance our ability to supplement our water supply with local groundwater when needed. Some short- and long-term situations that can limit our supply of water or require more water than we typically receive include:  Infrastructure failures such as broken pipes  Extreme drought  Large-scale disasters such as wildfires  Several … Continued

What is the Oak Hill Well Project?

Located at 35 Park Avenue, this project will install a new municipal groundwater well to provide local water to Petaluma residents. This project will provide water generated from a well located in the western portion of the City.

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