Archives: FAQs

When and where are the City Council Meetings?

The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Mondays of each month. Closed Session, which is not open to the public, is generally scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Open Session, which is open to the public, is typically held at 6:45 p.m. The meetings are held at City Hall, 11 English Street, in the … Continued

What does the City Clerk do?

    The City Clerk is in charge of putting on elections, managing City records, and coordinating all aspects of City Council meetings (including agendas, public comment, and technical support). Many of the Clerk’s duties are prescribed by Federal, State, and local laws., either in general terms (e.g., the Clerk must have a system for … Continued

Does Petaluma have a rent control ordinance?

No, Petaluma does not have a rent control ordinance.  However, we do have a rent stabilization ordinance that covers mobile home parks.  Contact the City’s Housing Manager, Karen Shimuzu, (707.778.4555) if you have a mobile home rent question.

How do I find out if there are any affordable housing vacancies in Petaluma?

You need to call each of the affordable housing developments in Petaluma to learn if there are vacancies. Refer to the list of affordable housing developments for contact information.  Be sure to check eligibility requirements and consider putting your name on a waiting list if there are no vacancies currently.

How do I apply for Section 8 vouchers?

Sonoma County Housing Authority manages the Section 8 voucher program for all of Sonoma County, including Petaluma.  Please call (707) 565-7500 or visit their website.

How do I get rid of the dirty water that’s generated as part of  a construction or remediation project? Can I send it down the storm drain or hose it into the street

Water from a construction or remediation project should never be sent down a storm drain or flushed into the street or gutter. Doing so pollutes our waterways, kills plants and animals, and sets you up for a hefty fine. Instead, you’ll need to capture the water and discharge it properly into the into the City’s … Continued

How do I get help if I am homeless?

Contact the Committee on the Shelterless (COTS), at 707-765-6530 or [email protected].  COTS manages Petaluma’s two homeless shelters (the adults-only Mary Isaak Center and the Family Shelter) and can refer you to an array of services, including housing.   Another resource is the County’s Coordinated Entry System, which matches people experiencing homelessness with available housing and … Continued

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