Archives: FAQs

How has Petaluma’s Downtown evolved and how has it continued to preserve the integrity of its Historic Resources?

Petaluma’s Downtown evolved on the southwest bank of the Petaluma River from its relationship with riverfront trading, commercial and industrial uses on the northeast riverbank, and agricultural commerce. Suburbanization and auto-centric industrialization diverted development outside of the downtown area to its adjacent neighborhoods, with residential neighborhoods, commercial buildings, and business parks. The City has continued … Continued

Portions of the Overlay would apply to parcels within the City Parking Assessment District. Would the hotel, or other new developments within the District contribute to the assessment district?

Per IZO Section 11.035 (Implementing Zoning Ordinance), sites and structures located in the municipal parking assessment district are exempt from the requirement to provide off-street parking facilities. The municipal parking assessment district does not include a provision to collect revenue from new uses or buildings within the district.

Will the City require parking and traffic studies?

Traffic and parking studies have been requested. These studies will be reviewed for adequacy by City staff, including CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) planners, prior to being made publicly available and will be fully incorporated into the project’s Planning review process.

How will parking be addressed?

The parking and loading standards contained in IZO (Implementing Zoning Ordinance) Chapter 11 would not be modified by the Overlay and would continue to apply to all uses and buildings as under existing conditions.

Why not rezone the hotel project site to a Planned Unit Development (PUD)?

The City regulates planned unit developments in Chapter 19 of the IZO (Implementing Zoning Ordinance). A required finding to adopt a PUD (Planned Unit Development) is that the PUD would conform to the General Plan. This finding could not be made unless the General Plan was first amended to increase the maximum allowable Floor-to-Area Ratio … Continued

Why not apply for a Variance instead?

IZO Section 24.070.A (Implementing Zoning Ordinance) provides the following regarding variances: “The purpose of variances is to allow variation from the strict application of the terms of this Zoning Ordinance where, by reason of the exceptional narrowness, shallowness, or unusual shape of a parcel of property; or by reason of exceptional topographic conditions, or other … Continued

Why now, before the General Plan Update?

The City has not adopted a development moratorium that would prohibit the submittal of Planning land use applications proposing development activity. Therefore, the City must respond to all land use applications that have been submitted. The Statewide Permit Streamlining Act (1977) sets forth various time limits for the review of discretionary permit applications, and while … Continued

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