Archives: FAQs

What is the minimum wage in Petaluma?

Petaluma has a local minimum wage that is higher than the State minimum wage. This minimum wage applies to hours worked within the city limits.  The Petaluma minimum wage for 2024 is $17.45 per hour for all employers, regardless of size. The 2024 wage reflects an increase of 2.3% based on June prior year CPI-W, … Continued

How do I report a clogged storm drain?

To report a clogged storm drain, contact the Public Works & Utilities Department at (707) 778-4546 or submit a storm drain report online or via our mobile app (search in Apple Store or Goole for engagEPetaluma).

Why is the water cloudy?

Cloudy water is caused by air bubbles in the water and is completely harmless. You can tell if it is air if the cloudiness clears first from the bottom of a glass with the small air bubbles moving up towards the surface.  Our water originates from 60 to 80 feet below the gravel beds of … Continued

What can I do about air in my water pipes?

Sometimes air enters the water pipes when the water service has been interrupted due to repairs. To release air from your water pipes: Run cold water for several minutes in order to release air and remove debris from the system Use bathtub faucets and hose bibs when possible for flushing your system, as they generally … Continued

Why is my water brown?

Occasionally the tap water in your home may look brown. Discolored water is the result of the minerals and iron in the water main being stirred up from increased water pressure.  Discolored water is SAFE to drink and does not pose a health risk.  The main causes of brown/discolored water are: Work being done on … Continued

How do I replace the sewer lines on my property?

Replacing the sewer lateral line on your property benefits you and the City. It can significantly reduce your monthly sewer costs as well as reduce sewage back-ups on your property. Improving the way sewage is collected on your property helps the system as a whole, which is good for the City and its sewer customers. … Continued

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