Archives: FAQs

How does the City fund street repair?

Street maintenance and improvement monies come into the City from a number of sources, each restricted for specific uses. Federal funds – allowed only for specific types of work on specific streets; Redevelopment funds – for reconstruction only on streets within the redevelopment are (PCDC) when determined by City Council to assist in removing blight; … Continued

Who is responsible for sidewalk repair/maintenance?

The owner of the property fronting the sidewalk is responsible for maintaining the sidewalk, curb, gutter and planting strip in a non-hazardous condition. Although the City of Petaluma has an easement to allow safe pedestrian access, it is not responsible for maintenance and repair. Property owners are potentially liable for personal injuries caused by their … Continued

What is a storm drain and what can I put into it?

Storm drain systems help prevent flooding by diverting rainwater off the streets and other paved surfaces and into a natural body of water, such as a stream or ocean.   Storm drains are meant for rainwater only. Unlike the City sewer system, the storm drain system does not include a treatment or cleaning component. Consequently, … Continued

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