Recycled Water Site Supervisor Training Videos

All sites using recycled water must designate a Site supervisor. The Site Supervisor is a person designated by the recycled water customer as the person responsible for overseeing the operations and maintenance of the on-site recycled water system, ensuring that the rules and regulations are followed, preventing violations, and for communicating with the City of Petaluma regarding recycled water use. The Site Supervisor represents the owner, tenant or property manager as a liaison with the City of Petaluma and must be available at all times.
All persons designated as Site Supervisors for a site using recycled water must complete the below Recycled Water Site Supervisor Training within the first 120 days of receiving recycled water service.

Who can be a Site Supervisor?

Any person who has the authority to carry out all the rules, regulations and requirements for recycled water use,  has the authority to operate and maintain the on-site recycled water system, and has the authority to represent the owner, tenant or property manager in dealings with the City of Petaluma can be a Site Supervisor.

What if the Site Supervisor changes?

If the property is transferred to a new owner or tenant, or a new Site Supervisor or landscape maintenance professional becomes responsible for system maintenance, the User must notify the City of Petaluma and must complete the below Recycled Water Site Supervisor Training within 120 days.

Below is the four-part training series for Recycled Water Site Supervisors provided by Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA).

Video 1 – BACWA RW Site Supervisor Training – What is Recycled Water?

Video 2 – BACWA RW Site Supervisor Training – Treatment and Water Quality

Video 3 – BACWA RW Site Supervisor Training – CA Regulations

Video 4 – BACWA RW Site Supervisor Training – Site Supervisor Responsibilities

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