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1269 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... ADS Environmental Services (ADS), under sub-contract to Woodard & Curran, conducted the monitoring at ... - With ADS gauge Flow Min (MGD) Rain Observed - With ADS gauge Max (MGD) Rain Observed ... - With ADS gauge Volume (US Mgal) Rain Observed - With ADS gauge 0.580 0.440 0.003 ... - With ADS gauge Flow Min (MGD) Rain Observed - With ADS gauge Max (MGD) Rain Observed ... - With ADS gauge Volume (US Mgal) Rain Observed - With ADS gauge 0.580 0.440 0.003 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... (e) Any other information added by the Lead Agency. ... This project would not change those original findings, or add any additional cumulatively significant ... However, even after additional traffic is added to these intersections they would still continue to ... Adding highway signage to US 101 is not under the control of the City; it can only be added by Caltrans ... Response Q11-29: The commenter inquires about adding a bus only lane to accommodate bus access. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Appendix A – Accessibility Definitions   The following is a summary of many definitions found in the ADA ...  to the  Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Title II Technical Assistance Manual, and the ADA ... ADA  Acronym for the Americans with Disabilities Act.    ... Complaint  A complaint is a claimed violation of the ADA.    ... If they meet this definition, animals are  considered service animals under the ADA regardless of whether ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Response #2: A separate line item has been added to the bid schedule for the Traffic Control System ... Response #3: A separate line item has been added to the bid schedule for the Traffic Control System ... Grading 2,917 sf 27 Concrete thickened Edge 157 lf 28 Synthetic Turf Connection 376 lf 29 ADA ... Parking Striping 1 ls 30 Wheel Stop 2 ea 31 ADA Parking Sign 2 ea Lucchesi Turf Field ..."

Matched in attachment: "... �(��@A��B C ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ability to sleep -- 24-hour descriptors have been developed that incorporate artificial noise penalties added ... Each decibel increase to 70 dBA adds about 3 percentage points to the number of people highly annoyed ... or more in one hour L02 75 dBA 80 dBA Note 1: The noise metric column was added by Illingworth& Rodkin ... at site LT-1 followed a diurnal pattern characteristic of traffic noise, with sound level increases du ... The peak hour project trips were added to the existing volumes to generate an existing plus project ..."

Matched in attachment: "... A contributor adds to the historic associations, historic architectural qualities, or archeological ... at 109 Kentucky Street, the Standards for Rehabilitation, which “acknowledge the need to alter or add ... Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or ... The proposed project does not add conjectural features or elements from other historic properties. ... la r\ D oc um en ts \A m ys K itc he n_ R ec ov er ed _C en tr al -R 22 _s am an th aU ..."

Matched in attachment: "... equipped with Best Available Control Technology for emission reductions of NOx and PM through the use of add-on ... All public improvements shall be ADA accessible 77. ... Curb cuts for ADA and crosswalks shall be provided at the entrance to the subdivision to connect pedestrians ... , as building heights and/ or other changes to this project come forward, PFD reserves the right to add ..."

Matched in attachment: "... The need to add more civilian and administrative staff to ensure our first responders are devoting time ... reconstruction, the gauardrail and cross walk safety improvment project, sidewalk repairs and downtown ADA ... New impact fee structure for ADUs adopted by City Council on January 6, 2020, including exemption from ... all impact fees for ADUs under 750 square feet. ... Create a 5-year strategic housing plan to provide inclusive housing solutions that are affordable, ADA ..."

Matched in attachment: "... , both the north and south approaches to the new bridge are anticipated to be raised with new fill added ... Soils are mapped as alluvial land, sandy (AdA) on the north side and Yolo clay loam, 0 to 5 percent ... Approximately, 26% of the BSA is composed of AdA soils while 48% of the BSA contains YtA soils. ... AdA soils are found predominantly on floodplains. ... AdA soils are listed as a hydric soil on the NRCS Official List of U.S. Hydric Soils (NCRS 2014). ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Add the following as Part 2.02.G.4 “26-gauge Galvalume substrate is an acceptable substitution for ... Part 3.03, Piping Schedule: Add the following: [See Table on next page] Process ... Add two VFDs to 20-MCC-A to power new tertiary pump station pumps. ... QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: Spec Section 16050 – 1.04.B indicates adding two VFDs to 20-MCC-A for the ..."

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