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5742 Results Found

"Rex Ace Hardware Temporary Mural" Project Summary The proposed temporary mural was created by local artists Magdalena Gross and Amanda Lynn, who brought this concept to the attention of the Public Art Committee originally in 2019. Working pro-bono for this project, the artists offer this gift to the City of Petaluma in the spirit of...

Staff have reviewed the Petaluma City Charter and it is clear from the Charter that it requires seven council seats. It is Council’s direction to draw a map with six districts and a mayor to be chosen at large, which would not require an amendment to our Charter.

Yes, but only residency requirements for 30 days. Legal residence is defined as physical presence combined with an intent to remain.[1] Durational residency requirements imposed as a precondition to candidacy for public policy have been found to implicate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, specifically the fundamental rights to vote and to travel....

Yes, as explained in detail below, because the Petaluma Charter defaults to “plurality” voting pursuant to Elections Code Section 15452, to change Council member elections to ranked choice voting would require a charter amendment. RCV allows the electors to select in addition to their first choice, a second and third choice as backups. All first...

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