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5744 Results Found

***Under Construction*** Project Description The project proposes an addition and associated site improvements including landscaping, parking facilities, and frontage improvements along Cader Lane and Lakeville Highway. Project Details APN(s): 005-040-039 Address: 3200 Lakeville Highway Zoning: BP File Number: PLSR-16-0007 Applicant:   Project Documents Staff Contact Tiffany Robbe Senior Planner 707-778-4318 [email protected] Planning Division 11 English...

***Under Construction*** Project Description The project proposes a new commercial building to accommodate Cagwin and Dorward landscaping. The project includes office and landscape maintenance operations for approximately 100 employees. Project Details APN(s): 005-040-055 Address: 0 Lakeville Highway Zoning: PCD - Park Central/Park Square File Number: PLMA-16-0013 Applicant: Greg LeDoux & Associates [email protected] 707-795-8855 Project Documents...

***In Plan Check*** Project Description The project proposes construction of 18 single family parcels in multiple phases. 17 parcels require SPAR, and an existing historic house is located on parcel 18. Lots 1-6 and 10-18 have received SPAR approval as of October 2018. Site grading and construction of the lower homes in underway. Project Details...

***In Planning Process*** Project Description The project proposes construction of a new garage with an approximately 480 square foot ADU above. The project includes an interior remodel and 2-story expansions at the side and rear of the primary dwelling. Project Details APN(s): 008-104-016 Address: 107 6th Street Zoning: R3; A Street Historic District File Number:...

***In Plan Check*** Project Description The project proposes modifications to an existing single family residence including a first floor rear addition and conversion of existing attic space into second floor living space. Project Details APN(s): 006-214-014 Address: 331 Kentucky Street Zoning: R3 File Number: PLSR-16-0039 Applicant: Peter Williams [email protected] Project Documents Staff Contact Brittany Bendix...

***In Plan Check*** Project Description The project proposes a new building containing 4 residential units and associated parking on site. Application includes a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for residential on the ground floor. Project Details APN(s): 007-154-013 Address: 315 Lakeville Street through to Erwin Street Zoning: MU1A File Number: PLMA-17-0008 Applicant: Nick Lee...

Project Description The project includes the construction of 53 one-bedroom rental housing units that will be affordable for seniors of low and very-low income levels, plus one two-bedroom on-site manager unit and ancillary community rooms. Twenty-five (25) of the residential units are identified for senior veterans. Project Details APN(s): 008-530-007 Address: 951 Petaluma Boulevard South...

Project Description The project proposes development on 14.4 acres to construct 264 apartment units within 27 three-story buildings. The project includes site clean-up and remediation of impacted soils and developing of apartment buildings, a recreation center, outdoor swimming pool, parking spaces, internal driveways, multi-use paths, landscaping, lighting, and ancillary improvements. Primary access would be provided at...

***In Planning Process*** Project Description The project proposes renovation of a commercial building with a new residential component. Project Details APN(s): 006-282-007 Address: 132 Petaluma Boulevard North Zoning: T-5 File Number: PLSR-18-0029 Applicant: Richard Perlstein Polsky Perlstein Architects [email protected] Project Documents Staff Contact Brittany Bendix Deputy Planning Manager 707-778-4314 [email protected] Planning Division 11 English Street...

***Inactive*** Project Description The project proposes two new single story buildings on vacant pads, site landscaping and hardscape improvements, updated exterior colors and finishes, and changes to the Master Signage Program. Project also includes a Zoning Text Amendment to pursue free standing freeway oriented signs and larger freeway oriented wall signs. Project Details APN(s): 007-241-002;...

Project Description The project proposes new construction of an 85,802 square foot hotel on a vacant building pad established by the Redwood Technology Center PUD. The hotel will contain 140 guestrooms. Project Details APN(s): 007-411-034 Address: 1205 Redwood Way Zoning: PUD - Redwood Technology Center File Number: PLSR-18-0025 Applicant: Matthew Sherrill Basin Street Properties 707-283-0780...

***All Planning Approvals*** Project Description The project proposes a facade remodel for a portion of the Washington Square Shopping Center. Project Details APN(s): 007-280-055 Address: 373 South McDowell Boulevard Zoning: C2 File Number: PLSR-17-0023 Applicant: Nick Carter [email protected] 916-383-3333 Project Documents Staff Contact Brittany Bendix Deputy Planning Manager 707-778-4314 [email protected] Planning Division 11 English Street...

Project Description The project proposes new construction of a two-story storage facility containing 686 storage units, 900 square feet of office and retail space, and retaining the 14,774 square foot building location on the eastern portion of the parcel. Project Details APN(s): 150-020-008 Address: 85 Corona Road Zoning: PCD Rancho Arroyo Business Center File Number:...

  ¡Muy buenos días Empresarios y Comerciantes de Petaluma! Como les explicamos el día de ayer, la Ciudad de Petaluma, junto a la Cámara de Comercio, la Asociación del Centro de Petaluma y varios comerciantes locales, está creando un nuevo sitio web denominado Esta página de internet tendrá como objetivo apoyar a nuestra comunidad...

  Estimados Empresarios/Comerciantes de Petaluma, Es nuestro deseo que este correo electrónico lo(a) encuentre con salud y en un buen momento. Por la presente queremos que usted sepa que mientras juntos sobrellevamos estos eventos sin precedentes en neutra historia reciente, la Ciudad lo(a) tiene en nuestros corazones y en nuestros pensamientos. Nuestra comunidad empresarial local...

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