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1690 Results Found

"... requests ... the Requests ..."

Petaluma has had an Affordable housing program since 1984. Learn how the program works and what you need to do to get affordable housing.

"... to ABAG requesting a change to any Bay Area jurisdiction’s allocation. Requirements for the appeals ... will also include a public hearing. January 2023: Housing Element updates are due ... .  The City Council will hold a public hearing on May ... 17, 2021 to receive public comment on the updated Draft 2020 UWMP ..."

The population of California (like the rest of the world) is growing. In order to ensure there is enough housing for everyone to live affordably, the State of California determines projected population numbers then estimates how many housing units must be created to meet future housing demand. The State then calls upon cities to help,...

"... created position, equivalent to a civilian Lieutenant. Records ... The Records Team processes all police reports, citations, subpoenas, permits and statistical reporting ..."

Petaluma Police technical services division oversees Records, Dispatch, Community Engagement, Volunteers, and recruitment.

"... , the City identified the opportunity to complete a small dredging project aimed at improving public ... this is an inconvenience for recreation vessels, it creates a hazard in terms of public safety: currently ..."

The City of Petaluma is proposing a small dredging project to improve public safety and fueling access at the Petaluma Marina. If funded, the project will start in mid-October 2022 and finish no later than November 30, 2022.

"... : 150-043-018 City Record Number(s ... - Public Notice ..."

Project Name: Land of Property Owls LLC Tentative Parcel Map Address: 23, 25, & 27 Berger Lane APN: 150-043-018 City Record Number(s): PLPM-2023-0002 Applicant Name: Steven J Lafranchi & Associates Date of Decision: On or after Monday, January 15, 2024 Project Description: Proposed Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the ± 43,560sq. ft. (1-acre) property at...

"... : 007-422-028 City Record Number(s ... a public agency is recommending denial For more information ..."

Project Name: The Floodway LLC Appeal Address: 4875 Petaluma Blvd N/4951 Stony Point Road [Map It] APN: 007-422-028 City Record Number(s): PLSR-2023-0001 (PLUP-2022-0027) Applicant Name: Heather Kratt (H&H Real Estate LLC) Project Description: Heather Kratt (H&H Real Estate LLC) has filed an applicant appeal to Planning Commission of a decision to deny proposed land use...

"... public ... display and a community meeting following the completion and publication of the annual report ... .  Additionally, with the recent formation of the Public Safety Advisory Committee, the Department ... was shared with the public through the City’s weekly update and the City’s social media channels ... , 2022, the City of Petaluma gave public notice on AB 481 at the Council Meeting. The staff report ..."

Petaluma Police Department specialized equipment is used to increase the safety of the community. This page includes descriptions of the equipment.

"... .  The City Council selected sequencing at the public ... by the public ... Public ... public ... Public ..."

Big news! Petaluma has completed the transition to district elections. Thank you to everyone who provided input throughout this process. At their April 4, 2022 meeting, City Council adopted the District Elections ordinance which includes the final map and specifies which three districts will be the first to elect district representatives in 2022, and which...

"... by installing aerators with flow restrictors. For information on how to request free supplies click ... nozzle that can be adjusted down to a fine spray on your hose. For information on how to request free ... . Replace your showerhead with a high-efficiency version. For information on how to request free ..."

Water conservation resources and tips will help you reduce water use at home, at work, and in the garden. Partner with us to be water wise.

"... in October 2023. A public ... 2023. After conducting a public ..."

City staff are preparing for two Planning Commission study sessions in October 2023. A public hearing before the Planning Commission is planned for November 2023. After conducting a public hearing, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council to either adopt the Objective Design Standards or direct staff to make modifications before...

"...   The Public ... , to May 27, 2022, to allow the public and agencies the opportunity to review and comment on the document. ..."

The noticing requirements are based on what the study identifies in terms of possible environmental impacts - the more significant the impacts, the more noticing required. In the case of this project, several notices were required and completed. Notifications were sent to: Tribal representatives of California Native American tribes  The Public Responsible trustee agencies  regulatory...

"... CEQA requires public agencies to “look before they leap” and consider ... decisionmakers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities ..."

CEQA requires public agencies to “look before they leap” and consider the environmental consequences of their discretionary actions. CEQA is intended to inform government decisionmakers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities, to identify ways environmental effects can be avoided or reduced, and to disclose an agency’s decision-making process and to...

"... will affect the environment, the noticing and public meeting requirements are tailored to the size ... the project, proposed improvements, environmental considerations, and public input. The City also intends ..."

When the City Council considers an action related to how a project will affect the environment, the noticing and public meeting requirements are tailored to the size and impact of the project. The City will be hosting a community meeting at the project site on August 11, 2022 from 6 pm to 8 pm. The...

"... for members of the public to draw their own district maps and submit them for consideration ... . Initial draft maps will be posted seven days in advance of Public Hearing ..."

Mapping tools will be made available for members of the public to draw their own district maps and submit them for consideration. Download a City Boundary Map to start thinking about how you would draw districts in Petaluma. Initial draft maps will be posted seven days in advance of Public Hearing #3, and changes to...

Matched in attachment: "... ......................................................................17 SECTION 26 – CALIFORNIA PUBLIC ... request to the other party to commence negotiations and the submittal of potential meeting dates ... ) Such employee representatives shall request time off from his/her respective supervisor ... time pursuant to this section at any given time. If two (2) or more employees request ... it determines to be adequate and necessary public service, including, if necessary, the authority ..."

"... public health, wildfire, and natural ... Keeping public areas ..."

Measure U was placed on the ballot after months of community engagement. Over 3,000 residents participated in workshops and survey responses. Residents identified top priorities, including: Emergency public health, wildfire, and natural disaster preparedness Maintaining 911 emergency response times and fire prevention and protection Ensuring 24-hour police and fire staffing Keeping public areas safe and...

Matched in attachment: "... ................................................................................................................... 17-2 Public Services ... separate cover, and is not made available to the public. Appendix 8A: Geotechnical Investigation ... receipt of this notice. The Draft EIR is anticipated to be available for public review in October ... requested a General Plan Amendment and rezoning of the property to Planned Unit District (PUD ... of approximately 18.5 units per developed acre. The application request also includes a tentative parcel ..."

"... , maintenance, public safety, infrastructure investments, and recruitment / retention of qualified staff ... . Request ..."

Setting the City up for Future Success Part of managing a City is making sure that the cost of services balances with available revenue. This is challenging for cities because there are a lot of things that the city doesn't actually control; such as new laws that require staff time to oversee, or changes in...

"... galleries, and certain other public buildings; Development in South Hills or West Hills ... . Accordingly, we are hereby requesting that the draft Air Quality Report prepared for the project ..."

Planning Information Counter When starting a project it's always a great idea to check in with our staff and get initial feedback. You can visit us at the Planning Information Counter at 11 English Street, Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM-2PM. Or call/e-mail us at 707-778-4301 and [email protected] Development Review Committee For projects that involve review by...

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