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Rules about which animals and pets can be found in Title 9, Section 9.08, of the City’s municipal code. Please contact North Bay Animal Services, the City’s animal control provider, if you have questions or concerns about animals with the City limits.

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

The City of Petaluma regulates the types of cannabis businesses and requires an annual permit and review by the Community Development Department. Learn more and download the permit application at

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Read this overview of Petaluma's history, organized by themes: fertile ground, service, commerce, architecture, home, culture.

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Find public meeting agendas, minutes and videos. Meeting files are arranged by date, with the most recent at the top of the list.

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Every business that is located in or doing business within the City limits is required to obtain a business certificate (often referred to as a business license) from the City and pay appropriate business tax. The application review process takes about six weeks and requires a Safety Inspection (see checklist). See the Business Certificate Fees...

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Welcome to Petaluma, Calif.

Report an issue in the City of Petaluma using our EngagePetaluma tool, available via our website and as an app in the Apple & Android stores. Registration with an email is required.

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