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HAGA CLIC AQUÍ PARA ESPAÑOL     Happy summer, Petaluma! We hope you enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July holiday this week celebrating with friends and family. We had a blast with everyone who came out to the Community Center for our Stars & Stripes & Dogs & Bikes event, and are so grateful to...

¡Feliz verano, Petaluma! Esperamos que esta semana haya disfrutado de una maravillosa celebración del 4 de julio junto con sus amigos y familiares. Nos divertimos mucho con todos(as) los que asistieron al “Community Center” (Centro Comunitario) para nuestro evento “Stars & Stripes & Dogs & Bikes” (Estrellas y Bandas, Perros y Bicicletas), ¡y estamos muy...

Project Description The Downtown Housing & Economic Opportunity Overlay proposes to support housing and mixed-use development in a portion of the Downtown area through modification of Floor Area Ratio (FAR), building height, and lot coverage maximums, and associated revisions, including development and design controls for properties located in the overlay. The revised project reduces the...

Fees at the City of Petaluma are listed in its master fee schedule. The City of Petaluma increases its fees annually using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Fee increases typically go into effect on July 1, the start of the City's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). City Council must approve all fee increases...

Updated 7/3/23 with Fiscal Year 2023-2024 fee schedule

Our Staffing Model Since 2009, the City of Petaluma has used a hybrid service model with the support of M-Group, a Bay Area-focused planning consulting firm that provides a range of planning services to public agencies. M-Group’s contract with the City of Petaluma was most recently approved by the City Council in 2018 and provides continuity in...

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