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Read about the Petaluma Boulevard South Road Diet Capital Improvement Project between E Street and Crystal Street.

Petaluma City Council rescinded the Local Drought Emergency Proclamation and the City’s Water Shortage Contingency Plan.

El Concejo Deliberante rescindió la Proclamación de Emergencia Local por Sequía y el Plan de Contingencia de Escasez de Agua de la Ciudad.

The City of Petaluma proudly announces the appointment of IntegrAssure, LLC as its first Independent Police Auditor (IPA).

El gobierno de la Ciudad de Petaluma se enorgullece en anunciar que la compañía IntegrAssure, LLC ha sido designada como su primer Auditor Policial Independiente.

Project Name: Friends of the Petaluma River Dock Replacement Address:  6 Copeland Street [Map It] APN: 007-700-002 City Record Number(s): PLSR-2023-0008 Applicant Name: Kallie Kull, Friends of the Petaluma River Date of Decision: On or after Monday, May 1, 2023 Project Description: The proposed project would replace an existing ± 700-square-foot wooden dock located along...

2022 Annual Water Quality Report

Find a list of prior City of Petaluma Housing Reports such as the Annual Median Income (AMI) report, the Vacancy Survey, CAFER and more.

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