Sepaher Residential Building

***In Plan Check***

Project Location

Project Location

elevation 1


elevation 2

Alternative Elevation

Project Description

The project proposes a new building containing 4 residential units and associated parking on site. Application includes a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for residential on the ground floor.

Project Details

APN(s): 007-154-013
Address: 315 Lakeville Street through to Erwin Street
Zoning: MU1A
File Number: PLMA-17-0008
Applicant: Nick Lee
Nick Lee Architecture
[email protected]

Project Documents

Staff Contact

Tiffany Robbe
Senior Planner
(707) 778-4318
[email protected]

Planning Division
11 English Street
Petaluma, CA

Public Meetings and Hearings

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