Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant
Program Purpose
The Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant (SLRG) program provides financial assistance to property owners for the replacement of their private sewer lateral, which, due to their age or condition, are often a source of surface water inflow and groundwater infiltration (I&I) to the sewer collection system. Inflow and infiltration (I&I) to the sewer collection system increases the amount of wastewater processed at the City's wastewater treatment facility, which increases costs.
Ownership / Responsibility
All sewer laterals belong to the property owner from the home or building to, and including, the connection at the City main. Property owners are responsible for all costs relating to their sewer lateral, including: installation, connection, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, alteration, abandonment or removal to prevent inflow and infiltration (See figure 1). (Ord. 2282 NCS §3 (part), 2007.) (Petaluma Municipal Code 15.40.060)
What is a sewer lateral?
The sewer lateral consists of the pipe that begins at the buildings plumbing system connection (usually a sewer cleanout located approximately two (2) feet from the foundation) and extends to and includes the connection at the public (City) sewer main.
Inflow and Infiltration
Inflow occurs when surface water flows into sewer pipes at points of direct connections such as roof, yard, foundation, and basement sump drains.
Infiltration is the seepage of groundwater into the sewer pipes through holes, cracks, joint failures, and faulty connections.
Grant Amount
The maximum amount of assistance for a sewer lateral replacement or repair is 50% of the approved cost, up to a maximum reimbursement of $2,000. Only complete replacement of the sewer lateral or a repair that completely eliminates infiltration and inflow is eligible for the program. All SLRG applications are subject to approval by the Utilities (Water & Sewer) Division.
Application Checklist
1. Download our informational brochure (English & Spanish) and our application in English or our application in Spanish.
2. Complete the application and submit it with your paid invoice to the Public Works & Utilities Department ([email protected]; 202 North McDowell Blvd) for review, determination of eligibility, and approval.
3. If approved, you will be notified via email and should expect to receive your grant funding via check in the mail within 6-8 weeks.
Grant Availability
The City runs on a July 1 - June 30 fiscal year.
Grant funds are available beginning July 1 of each fiscal year, and all work must be completed by June 30 of that same year.
Funds will be obligated on a first-come, first-serve basis until all funds are allocated or the end of the fiscal year on June 30.
Q: How do I submit my application?
A: Please fill out the application and attach a copy of your paid invoice. It can be submitted via email to [email protected] or mailed or hand-delivered to:
Water Field Office
202 N. McDowell Blvd
Petaluma, CA 94954
Q: Whom should I choose to perform the replacement?
A: Licensed contractors who also possess a City of Petaluma Business License and perform underground sewer construction. A list of contractors who are aware of the SLRG program can be requested from Public Works & Utilities at (707) 778-4546. Please be advised that this list does not constitute a City recommendation.
Q: How many quotes should I get from contractors?
A: For cost comparison, we recommend obtaining at least three (3) quotes. This is suggested only to aid in your decision, and these quotes do not need to be submitted with your application.
Q: How much does the average sewer lateral replacement cost?
A: Sewer lateral replacements typically cost between $15,000-$20,000.
Q: Do I need any permits for this work?
A: Yes. Your contractor will need an Encroachment Permit to work in the public right-of-way or when connecting to a public utility. For information on how to obtain an Encroachment Permit, contractors may contact Public Works at (707) 778-4303 (option 6).
Q: How long do I have to obtain this grant?
A: You must apply for this grant within the same fiscal year as your sewer lateral replacement. Grant funds are available at the start of our fiscal year on July 1. Funds will be obligated on a first-come, first-serve basis either until all funds are allocated or until the end of the fiscal year on June 30.
Q: How do I know if I have qualified for the SLRG?
A: After your application has been reviewed, you will be sent an email stating that your sewer lateral application has met the conditions of the program and that funds have been obligated for your project. This process can take up to 10 business days.
Q: After I have received a confirmation email that I qualify for the grant, what happens next?
A: You will receive a mailed check within 6-8 weeks.

Make sure your application is complete and you understand the grant program requirements and timeline.