Business Licensing & Special Business Types
Every* business must have a City business license (aka, business certificate) and pay city taxes in order to operate within the Petaluma City limits.
You must apply for the business license before you open your business and any time you move or open a new location with Petaluma. Licenses must be renewed annually.
To download the application form and learn more about the process, go to our business certificate and tax page.
* Home-based child care businesses are the only business type that does not need a business licenses. However, they do need other city permits (see below).
Family Day Care businesses require several permits depending on their size and whether they are located in a home or a commercial space. Start with the Planning Division, 11 English Street, Petaluma CA 94952 or email [email protected].
Home based child care only is exempt from a City business license (see State Senate Bill 234 for details).
If you are renting all or a portion of your dwelling unit for stays less than 30 days you will need to get a Short Term Vacation Rental Permit from the Planning Division before your Business Certificate can be issued.
Short Term Vacation Rental operators must pay Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) monthly and must renew their permit, as well as their business license, annually.
Download the Short Term Vacation Rental Permit checklist and application form.
Mobile vendors are businesses that have a business on wheels that sets up at a specific location, either permanently or on certain days of the week. Examples include food trucks, coffee carts, and mobile knife-sharpening operations.
The City allows mobile vendors to set up in the following locations:
- Special events, such as Butter and Egg Days Parade; contact the event manager for requirements
- Established Food-Truck Venues, such as The Block and the Farmers' Market
This permit is required for businesses that incorporate any of the three types of cannabis activities allowed in the City: testing services; product manufacturing (topicals or edibles); or delivery-only retail. This permit must be renewed annually and is handled by the Police Department.
Non-refundable fees are required to apply for the permit and the annual renewal. Refer to the Fees page. This permit takes a minimum of 60 days for review.
Learn more here.
Massage professionals must register with the Code Enforcement Division annually and show proof of California Massage Therapy Council certification. Establishments that offer massage services must register with the Code Enforcement Division annually and may be subject to a fee-based background check or other requirements.
This permit takes about 30 days to process. Learn more here.
Solicitors and peddlers are people who move from location to location in the City, selling their goods or services. Examples include an ice cream truck or fruit vendor.
These businesses type must get a business license and a special permit that involves a background check and proof of other applicable permits/licenses are required.
This permit takes two weeks to process and is valid for 120 days. It is handled by Code Enforcement in the Community Development Department. Contact [email protected] or 707-778-4445.
For information on how to apply for a permit click here. For the solicitors application permit form, click here.
In addition to a business license, a special taxi permit is required to operate a taxi within the City limits. Applicants must complete an application, get fingerprinted, and be drug tested by an outside party. Taxi permits are valid for one year and must be renewed annually. This permit takes about two weeks to process and is handled by the Code Enforcement Division of the Community Development Department. For information on how to apply for a Taxi Driver permit as a new applicant, click here. For the Taxi Driver Renewal information, click here. Contact [email protected] or 707-778-4445.