Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)
On May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) issued Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Systems, Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003 (order). The order requires any public agency that owns or operates a sanitary sewer system more than one mile in length to comply with the requirements of the WDR in order to reduce the number of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO).
On November 13, 2019, the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted the Petaluma River Watershed Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to address the bacteria impairment in the watershed. U.S. EPA approved the TMDL on May 10, 2021. The City’s SSMP includes elements to help reduce the number of bacteria reaching the Petaluma River.
Petaluma's Sewer System Management Plan
View the City of Petaluma Sewer System Management Plan Here: Petaluma 2023 Sewer System Management Plan
SSMP Improvement Action Plan
The City of Petaluma has created an Improvement Action Plan to show progress towards reducing bacterial levels in the Petaluma River and to comply with the requirements of the September 14, 2022, 13383 Technical Report Order letter submitted by the Water Board. The Improvement Plan can be found here: Improvement Action Plan.
SSMP Action Map
As part of the Improvement Action Plan, the City has created a map showing the sewer collection system within 1000 feet of the Petaluma River and its tributaries, along with various mapping layers showing operation and maintenance progress and activities to assist in reducing bacteria reaching the river. The map can found here: SSMP Action Map.
SSMP References
City of Petaluma Municipal Code - Title 15
City of Petaluma Municipal Code - Title 17
Satellite Agreement with Penngrove
City of Petaluma Sewer Lateral Replacement Grant Program
City of Petaluma Standards - Sewer Standards (Series 500)
Pollution Prevention Documents
Technical Memorandum - South Area Model Development and Capacity Analysis
California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS)
Information on the California Integrated Water Quality System Project (CIWQS) can be found here: California Integrated Water Quality System
The California Integrated Water Quality System Project contains a variety of reports that pull data from the Water Boards' CIWQS and SMARTS databases.
If you would like to submit a complaint to the State regarding a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO), please call the STATE WARNING CENTER at 1-800-852-7550.