How can I find out what happened at the City Council Meeting?
Go to the City’s Meetings page, where you can view streaming video of past Council meetings and/or download Council-approved staff reports.
Go to the City’s Meetings page, where you can view streaming video of past Council meetings and/or download Council-approved staff reports.
You can reach all City Council members by emailing [email protected]. Please see the City Council page at for contact information for individual Councilmembers.
The City Council wants to hear from community members. To make sure that your input is part of the public record, it’s important to express your views by speaking during the Public Comment periods at a City Council meeting (Open Session); and/or by writing a letter that can be sent by email, postal mail, or … Continued
The Council Agenda and Staff Reports are posted on the City of Petaluma Meetings page, six days prior to the next regularly-scheduled Council meeting. Free printed copies of the agenda are also available from the Office of the City Clerk, located at 11 English Street. The City Clerk’s office is also available to answer questions, … Continued
The City Council meets regularly on the first and third Mondays of each month. Closed Session, which is not open to the public, is generally scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Open Session, which is open to the public, is typically held at 6:45 p.m. The meetings are held at City Hall, 11 English Street, in the … Continued