FAQ Topic: Living Wage

What is the Petaluma Living Wage?

The Petaluma Living Wage in effect July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, is $18.95 Per Hour With an Employer Contribution Toward Medical Benefits and $21.24 Per Hour Without an Employer Contribution Toward Medical Benefits). Read the staff report here (Consent Calendar #12):https://cityofpetaluma.primegov.com/Portal/Meeting?meetingTemplateId=17069

How is the Petaluma Living Wage annual increase calculated?

The Ordinance provides for an annual increase based on the average Cost of Living Adjustments for City employees but no more than the most recent December to December Consumer Price Index for San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose (CPI-U), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.” The Ordinance also provides that the City Council may review the impact … Continued

Who is subject to the Living Wage Ordinance?

Petaluma’s Living Wage ordinance applies to: City of Petaluma employees  Employees of businesses that contract or subcontract with the City of Petaluma (contractors and subcontractors) Employees of recipients of city financial assistance Other wage rules, such as prevailing wages, may apply depending on the work being done under contract with the City of Petaluma. Please … Continued

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