FAQ Topic: Sewer (Wastewater)
Replacing the sewer lateral line on your property benefits you and the City. It can significantly reduce your monthly sewer costs as well as reduce sewage back-ups on your property. Improving the way sewage is collected on your property helps the system as a whole, which is good for the City and its sewer customers. … Continued
For the health and safety of people and the planet, medications/medicines should not be flushed down the toilet, poured down the sink, or thrown away in the trash. This is true for pills and liquids, whether prescribed or over-the-counter. Sonoma County has a Safe Medicine Disposal program featuring free drop off or mail back options. … Continued
Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household … Continued
Water from a construction or remediation project should never be sent down a storm drain or flushed into the street or gutter. Doing so pollutes our waterways, kills plants and animals, and sets you up for a hefty fine. Instead, you’ll need to capture the water and discharge it properly into the into the City’s … Continued