FAQ Topic: Water, Sewer, & Streets

How do I report illegal dumping down a storm drain?

Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household … Continued

What is a storm drain and what can I put into it?

Storm drain systems help prevent flooding by diverting rainwater off the streets and other paved surfaces and into a natural body of water, such as a stream or ocean.   Storm drains are meant for rainwater only. Unlike the City sewer system, the storm drain system does not include a treatment or cleaning component.  Consequently, … Continued

How do I schedule a tour of the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility?

Operator-led tours of the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility are available Monday through Friday, by appointment. Call (707) 776-3777 to schedule. You can take a self-guided tour of the facility’s outdoor features, such as the reclamation ponds, along the four miles of walking trails adjacent to the facility.   

How do I report illegal dumping down a storm drain?

Contact the Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility at (707) 776-3777 if you see or hear about anyone dumping anything into a storm drain. This might include include liquids left over from a restaurant or food/beverage manufacturing facility; dirty water from a construction site; holding tanks from campers or other recreation vehicles; motor oil; and household … Continued

How do I get rid of the dirty water that’s generated as part of  a construction or remediation project? Can I send it down the storm drain or hose it into the street

Water from a construction or remediation project should never be sent down a storm drain or flushed into the street or gutter. Doing so pollutes our waterways, kills plants and animals, and sets you up for a hefty fine. Instead, you’ll need to capture the water and discharge it properly into the into the City’s … Continued

When is my water and wastewater (sewer) bill due?

  The due date on your utility bill is 28 days from the bill date.  Late payment penalties are not assessed until 30 days from your bill date.  For more information regarding utility bills and payments, please click here.

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