Location Layers: CIP Projects

Well Construction Oak Hill

Helps expand the City’s local water supply to meet the Sonoma County Water Agency capacity goal that local agencies increase emergency and drought delivery to 40% of the average day of the maximum month demand.

Hardin and Manor Tank Exterior Coating

Apply a new coating surface to existing water tanks and remove deteriorated paint to extend the life of the tanks. Includes a seismic assessment and cathodic protection.

PIPS Forcemain Replacement

This project involves installing a parallel forcemain adjacent to the existing forcemain. This project will include the assessment of the existing forcemain and rehabilitation to provide redundant service of this critical conveyance pipeline.

Replace PIPS High Capacity Pumps

This project will replace four high capacity 450 horse-power pumps and variable frequency drive units (VFD) at the Primary Influent Pump Stations (PIPS).

Recycled Water Turnout and Meter Replacements (Ag)

During the dry-weather season the City distributes water to recycled irrigation customers. The existing turnouts are at the end of their useful life having been in service for 30+ years. Maintenance is becoming difficult as parts are no longer available.

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