Location Layers: CIP Projects

Cavanagh Roof Replacement

This project will overlay the Cavanagh roof that is beyond its expected life and needs to be replaced.

Library Roof Overlay

This project will overlay the library roof that is beyond its expected life and needs to be replaced.

Facilities Energy Savings Program

A high-level Facilities Condition Assessment of City owned buildings was completed in early 2020, identifying past due maintenance projects, and another set of maintenance costs coming due in the next 20 years. The Assessment provided a high-level list of projects to be completed. This follow-on effort is to identify, prioritize and begin execution of projects … Continued

Airport Emergency Power Backup

This project will address the need for emergency power back-up at the airport to provide power to runway lighting, navigation facilities, and support operations during power outages. The Petaluma Airport is the primary staging area for incoming supplies in a local emergency.

27 Howard Improvements for Sale

The project addresses unsafe items such as plumbing and HVAC issues; electrical upgrade; fire sprinkler system repair; and painting required to sell the property.

Council Chambers AV Improvements

The Council Chambers Audio and Video Improvements project addresses technology needs and improvements in the Council Chambers.

City Hall West Wing Space Remodel

This project will program and design a Permit Center for centralized processing and define individual office sizes and location, identifying building improvements to meet code, and providing a cost estimate to complete the defined changes.

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