Archives: FAQs


Sí. Estos mandatos se harán cumplir y quienes los infrinjan estarán sujetos a multas de hasta $1,000. Consulte a continuación nuestro manual de procedimiento por una infracción y las multas aplicables (Sección 15.17.100 del Código Municipal de Petaluma).  Los clientes que incumplan con los requisitos de la 3 Etapa o del Capítulo 15.17 del Código Municipal de Petaluma recibirán una advertencia escrita o verbal y se les ordenará … Continued

Who manages the SAFE team?

The SAFE program is managed by the Petaluma City Manager’s office, and is a collaborative partnership with the City, Police, Fire, and PPSC. PPSC is leveraging its existing partnerships with healthcare providers, community-based programs, and their 70 existing human services programs to access services currently provided. PPSC has the contract to provide this program to … Continued

When is the SAFE team available?

The SAFE program launched July 4, 2021 and has been working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week since. The program continues to grow in personnel and capacity and aims to be operating 24/7 by October 2021.

How is the SAFE program funded?

The launch of our SAFE program was made possible by $1 million in seed funding from Measure U, a sales tax increase voted in by the people of Petaluma. To continue to provide programming, both the City and PPSC are working to secure additional funding.

How can I reach the SAFE team?

Individuals may access SAFE services as follows: Call 9-1-1 – an emergency dispatcher will answer and determine if your situation requires the SAFE team, first responders such as police, fire, or paramedics, or a combination of both. Call 707-781-1234 – you will reach a directory where you can choose to speak with a 9-1-1 operator … Continued


Seguramente usted habrá notado que el césped en algunos parques alrededor de la ciudad se vuelve marrón mientras que en otros permanece verde. ¿Por qué?  Hemos cerrado el agua en más de 26 de nuestros parques de mayor uso (el césped en ellos se volverá marrón) Hemos reducido drásticamente el uso en muchos parques para … Continued

Why is the City switching to all-digital permitting?

All-digital permitting is much more efficient than paper-based permitting. Staff will no longer need to spend time on tedious, low-value tasks like physically date-stamping plans. Instead, they’ll be able to focus on high-value tasks, like answering applicant questions. With all permit-related information in one online hub, staff will be able to work in tandem, with … Continued

What is the Permits & Planning Hub?

The Permits & Planning Hub is Petaluma’s new web portal for applying for most permits and planning approvals that the City requires through the Building, Planning, Public Works, Fire and Police Departments.

Will I be able to track the progress of my application?

You will be able to track the progress of your application through a personalized dashboard that will show the status of all the permits you have applied for, any additional documentation is requesting, and any fees that are outstanding.

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