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This site has been designed to assist visitors in locating and using local government resources and services.

¡La Ciudad y el Condado cuentan con programas de financiamiento que pueden ayudarlo(a) con el pago de su alquiler!

VMT PC Staff Report and Attachments 5.25.21

Petaluma is dedicated to making walking, bicycling and rolling safe and convenient methods of transportation and recreation.

Twice a year, the City of Petaluma conducts a vacancy survey to measure the number of rental vacancies in properties with 30 or more units.

The population of California (like the rest of the world) is growing. In order to ensure there is enough housing for everyone to live affordably, the State of California determines projected population numbers then estimates how many housing units must be created to meet future housing demand. The State then calls upon cities to help,...

The City of Petaluma has adopted a uniform policy for accepting charitable sponsorships to replace existing benches within city parks, along trails, or public facilities. Providing individuals and organizations an opportunity to commemorate a person, celebrate an occasion, or express appreciation for parks provides the residents of Petaluma a public benefit as well as supports...

Read about the Petaluma Boulevard South Road Diet Capital Improvement Project between E Street and Crystal Street.

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