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1269 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... Additionally, fee updates for ADUs were approved by City Council on January 6, 2020 to be consistent ... New impact fee structure for ADUs adopted by City Council on January 6, 2020, including exemption from ... all impact fees for ADUs under 750 square feet. ... Updates to ADU legislation approved by City Council to comply with newly adopted state regs and other ... internal process improvements to streamline ADU review. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... I have thought about putting an ADU on my property many times. ... No additional restrictions should be added!! ... (emphasis added)); Lingle, 544 U.S. at 546 (describing a5a9 doc e18 BALLINGER V. ... (emphasis added). ... The numbers do not add up for people to continue to invest in the rental market. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... square footage of a primary single-family dwelling or 51% of a primary multi-family dwelling, the ADU ... exceeding these thresholds, but over 750 square feet shall be prorated based on the proportion of the ADU ... (C) Projects that add up to one ADU and one JADU to an existing single-family dwelling are exempt from ... This fee applies to ADUs only when constructed with a new single- family dwelling and subject to the ..."

Matched in attachment: "... 4,411 • Certificates of Occupancy issued: 7 (5 SFD’s at Brody Ranch, 1 new commercial building, 1 ADU ... EOC training Polystyrene Ban • Developed and coordinated distribution of email, postcards, and ad ... Transit to engagEPetaluma • City Arrest Logs were added to the new website • Department workshops ... Transit Center Parking and ADA Improvements: The project will construct an accessible parking spot ... Lighted signage along the runway will also be added. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... square footage of a primary single- family dwelling or 51% of a primary multi-family dwelling, the ADU ... exceeding these thresholds, but over 750 square feet shall be prorated based on the proportion of the ADU ... square footage of a primary single-family dwelling or 51% of a primary multi-family dwelling, the ADU ... square footage of a primary single-family dwelling or 51% of a primary multi-family dwelling, the ADU ... square footage of a primary single-family dwelling or 51% of a primary multi-family dwelling, the ADU ..."

"... The City of Petaluma does not add fluoride to its water. ..."

The City of Petaluma does not add fluoride to its water.

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